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Research on the D igital Competence Framework for Vocational Education Teachers in China

Weihua Wang


Since the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China has been accelerating the transformation from a major country in education to a
strong country in education. The digital transformation of education is an important way to promote the developmen t of education in China,
and the digital competence of teachers is a key factor aff ecting the digital transformation of education. Teachers of vocational education, as
the key to cultivating technical and skilled talents, empower students by enhancing their digital competence to promote the development of
their abilities. By analyzing European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators(DigCompEdu)[1], and comparing the framework
of “Teacher Digital Literacy” in China[2], combined with the development characteristics of vocational education, this study explores
the digital competence framework of vocational education teachers and provides optimization strategies for improving teachers’ digital
competence in the context of digital transformation in education.


Digital Transformation in Education, Vocational Education, Digital Competence of Teachers, Optimization Path

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i1.12259
