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The Role of AIGC in Higher Education Viewed from the Learning Sciences

Hongwei Niu


With the continuous development of artifi cial intelligence technology, AIGC products have been more and more widely
used in advertising, entertainment, education and many other fields. There’s no denying that AIGC has the potential to bring about
various changes and infl uences in the realm of higher education. However, the use of technology can contribute to learning only when it
is designed from the outset with an understanding of student learning in mind and when it is integrated with teacher-student interactions
in the classroom. Adopting desk research, this paper reviews researches on AIGC’s potential to improve education and students’ leaning.
Based on the theories of the learning sciences, especially Jean Piaget’s theories, the author proposes a theoretical framework for China’s
higher learning against the backdrop of the advancement of AIGC, namely, deep understanding of concepts, equal emphasis on teaching and
learning, creating appropriate learning environments, construction on students’ prior knowledge, and timely refl ections. In the process of the
digital transformation of colleges and universities, the role of AIGC should always be that of a facilitator, supporting and helping students
to engage in deeper learning, and humanistic care and humanistic thinking should be maintained before, during, and after the generation of
content by AI.


AIGC, higher education, the learning sciences, Piaget

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