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An Analysis on the Paths to enhance the Resilience of ‘one-stop’ Students’ Community in Colleges

Yuanting Wei


Based on the relevant data of 81 colleges in the “one-stop” students’ community, this paper constructs the resilience structure
and relationship model of ‘one-stop’ students’ community. It was founded that community resilience consists of six dimensions: institution,
organization, facility, individual, technology and resource. It was proposed to optimize the physical space, consolidate the front-line position,
strengthen overall coordination, stimulate the vitality of the organization, integrate information technology, improve the eff ectiveness of
governance, shape the community culture, and build the spiritual home.


Students’ community; Community resilience; Paths

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12914
