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S ystem, Structure, and Capital: A Study on the “Three Forces” System of Educational Governance in Private Universities

Yang Gao


Institutions, structures, and capital are the core elements of educational governance in private universities, and their
allocation methods and effi ciency determine the quality of the educational ecosystem in private universities.From the empirical investigation
in H Province, it can be seen that the governance of private higher education generally faces practical diffi culties such as the constraints of
regulatory implementation and supervision, insuffi cient guarantee of basic conditions, and internal friction caused by interest diff erentiation.
From a theoretical and practical perspective, in order to optimize the educational ecology of private universities, it is necessary to construct
a “three forces” system with organization as the core, scientifi cally allocate capital and structural elements;We must deepen the reform
of the mechanism, streamline the relationship between the organization, board of directors, and administration;It is necessary to enhance
leadership, decision-making, and execution capabilities, consolidate the innovative wisdom of all teachers and students in the school, and
ultimately form a benign ecology of “organizational peace of mind, teacher and student satisfaction, and market effi ciency”.


Private universities; Educational governance; The Three Forces System; Leadership; Decision making ability; Execution power

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12934
