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The Relationship Between Social Economic Status (SES) and Productive Pedagogy Approached Among Elementary School Students in Shanghai, China.

Sun Jiang, NORAINI


This study examines the relationship between productive pedagogy approaches and academic performance, and the
moderating role of socioeconomic status (SES) among elementary school students in Shanghai, China. Specifi cally, the study focuses on
fi ve variables related to productive pedagogy approaches: collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning, diff erentiated instruction, active
learning, and technology integration. The study uses a mixed-methods research design and collects data from elementary school teachers
in Shanghai, China, through surveys and interviews. The data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to identify the most
eff ective productive pedagogy approaches and to examine the relationship between these approaches, academic performance, and SES. The
fi ndings of this study could provide insights into how educators can design eff ective pedagogical approaches to improve academic outcomes
and reduce achievement gaps between students from diff erent socioeconomic backgrounds.


Productive Pedagogy Approached , Elementary School Students, China

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12936
