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Research on Innovative Practice of Teaching Chinese Language and Literature in Universities in the New Era

Xueqin Kang


With the further deepening of higher education, the teaching reform of Chinese language and literature majors is further
deepened. It is not only necessary to focus on the teaching of Chinese language and literature, but also to integrate aesthetic education and
humanistic education, further improving the quality of Chinese language and literature teaching and talent cultivation.Chinese language
and literature teachers in universities should keep up with the times, actively carry out smart teaching and project-based teaching, and
stimulate students’ interest in learning;Adhere to employment orientation, innovate the practical teaching mode of Chinese language and
literature, and improve students’ comprehensive abilities;Transforming the concept of cultivating talents in Chinese language and literature,
optimizing the curriculum system of Chinese language and literature majors;Actively opening a second classroom, deepening traditional
culture and aesthetic education, promoting ideological and political education in the curriculum, improving students’ innovation ability, and
comprehensively improving the quality of Chinese language and literature teaching.


New Era; Universities;Teaching Chinese language and literature; Teaching status; Innovative practice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12944
