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Research on the Construction of Practical Teaching System for Engineering Management under the Background of New Engineering

Xiaoxian Qiu


With the continuous promotion of the requirements of the Ministry of Education for the construction of new engineering
disciplines, China’s engineering education has offi cially entered a period of rapid development, and its scale is also constantly expanding.
In the new era of national economic construction and technological development, the new round of basic education reform in engineering
management undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for the cultivation of practical, innovative, and professional abilities of students
majoring in engineering management in universities.Practical teaching is not only an important component of teachers’ teaching work, but
also a necessary path to enhance students’ above-mentioned abilities. It is also an important process to promote students to apply what they
have learned. Therefore, it is imperative to increase the reform eff orts of practical teaching in the engineering management profession.In this
regard, this article takes the new engineering discipline as the background, fi rst analyzes the importance of practical teaching in engineering
management majors in universities, introduces the new requirements for talent cultivation in this profession in the construction of new
engineering disciplines, and fi nally elaborates on the specifi c construction of the practical teaching system for engineering management
majors, aiming to cultivate more excellent and practical engineering management professionals for the country and society, for reference


New engineering; Universities; Engineering management major; Practical teaching; System construction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12946
