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Research on IP image design based on Chinese traditional cultural elements

Xinchi Wang, Yan Yan


As a world treasure with a long history, Chinese excellent traditional culture carries rich wisdom and values, and has
been handed down from generation to generation. These traditional cultural elements contain the spiritual pursuit of the nation and the
unique emotions of the nation, which are deeply rooted in the heart of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the clever application of these
cultural elements in the IP image design can not only inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, but also inject new spiritual
connotation into the current IP industry and enhance the cultural heritage and recognition of IP. Under the background of the increasing
competition in today’s consumer market, global IP brands are actively seeking breakthroughs and innovations, hoping to create an image
with unique personality and IP charm. IP image is therefore highly valued. It can not only give IP a more personalized and diff erentiated
image, but also guide consumers’ emotional resonance, stimulate their purchase desire and IP loyalty. The use of traditional Chinese cultural
elements to build IP image not only helps IP brands keep up with the trend of The Times, but also improves IP competitiveness and market
position. Therefore, the combination of traditional culture and brand design has important and far-reaching signifi cance for domestic IP,
which is not only the inheritance and protection of traditional culture, but also a strong promotion and help for the development of IP.


IP image design, Chinese traditional culture

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12952
