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Research on Common Diseases and Construction Treatment Technologies in Bridge Engineering

Mingfan Liu, Junfeng Gong, Xiaojing Zhang, Feng Zhang


With the improvement of social and economic levels, the pace of modern life is constantly accelerating, and the number
of transportation vehicles is constantly increasing, which puts higher requirements on the quality of bridge engineering.Due to multiple
factors, bridge construction may suff er from structural diseases, which can aff ect normal traffi c.This article starts with the stability of bridge
structures, smooth traffi c fl ow, and safety of bridge transportation, and elaborates on the necessity of dealing with common diseases in
bridge engineering. Targeting common diseases such as uneven settlement, concrete cracks, bridge erosion, and steel bar corrosion, targeted
solutions and strategies are proposed to ensure the reliability and stability of bridges and provide convenience for modern people’s travel.


Bridge engineering;Common diseases;Construction processing technology

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i5.12975
