Who benefi ts from digital fi nancial inclusion—A literature review
to access financial services. It has successfully overcome geographical limitations, reduced transaction fees, and incentivized users to
engage in fi nancial activities through digital channels. This study aims to review the research on the impact of digital fi nancial inclusion
on individuals or households in recent years. Through the classifi ed analysis of various studies according to gender diff erences, household
consumption, employment, and poverty reduction, it is found that the poor who live in rural areas benefit a lot from digital financial
inclusion. Women, young people, and those with less education also gain job opportunities by adopting digital fi nancial inclusion. This is
somewhat diff erent from the results of previous studies of fi nancial inclusion in traditional banks: men, well-educated people, and the elderly
are more likely to benefi t from traditional fi nancial services.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i7.13588
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