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Practical Research on Project - oriented Blended Teaching in Cross - border E - commerce Courses

Haiyan Han, Shangyun Han


With the continuous integration of the global economy and the rapid development of Internet technology, cross - border e -
commerce has become an important part of international trade and has shown great development potential. However, the rapid development
of the cross - border e - commerce industry has also brought an urgent need for high - quality and compound cross - border e - commerce
talents. Taking cross - border e - commerce courses as an example, this paper deeply discusses the practical application of the project -
oriented blended teaching mode. By constructing an online - offl ine integrated teaching environment and conducting teaching around actual
cross - border e - commerce projects, students can master theoretical knowledge in practice and enhance their ability to solve practical
problems. Practice shows that this teaching mode not only stimulates students’ learning interest, but also significantly improves team
cooperation and autonomous learning ability, providing an eff ective way to cultivate high - quality talents that meet the needs of the cross -
border e - commerce industry.


Project - based teaching method; Blended teaching; Cross - border e - commerce courses

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i8.13821
