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Nuclear Safety Culture and Nuclear Safety Supervision Ideas and Countermeasures Research

Fang Jing, Fang-qiang Chen, Yang Zhang, Shuai Chen


In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s nuclear industry, the public attaches importance to the construction
of nuclear safety culture and safety management. Nuclear p ower has a unique nature, once the nuclear power safety problems, may cause
extremely serious negative eff ects on the society, is not conducive to the society to achieve high quality development. Therefore, nuclear
power enterprises should be aware of the importance of nuclear safety culture and nuclear safety management, and take a series of eff ective
nuclear power safety management measures, thereby generating a good nuclear power safety culture atmosphere within the nuclear power
enterprises, and ensure that the nuclear safety culture runs through all production links, so as to ensure that nuclear power enterprises can
achieve safe operation and provide stable and clean energy for the society. In this regard, this paper fi rst analyzes the relationship between
nuclear safety culture and nuclear safety supervision, and then clarifi es the ideas and countermeasures of nuclear safety supervision based on
nuclear safety culture, in order to provide some references for relevant researchers.


Nuclear safety culture; Nuclear safety supervision; Safety management; Laws and regulations; Personnel training

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v8i8.13838
