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On the Relationship between Ideological and Political Education and the Management of College Students

Lingzhi Li


With the continuous progress of our society and the improvement of education level, the benefits of Ideology and Politics education are gradually recognized by people. Ideology and Politics education has always been an important educational policy in China's colleges and universities. It is believed that it can greatly improve the comprehensive quality of students and help students to establish correct values. Therefore, the Ideology and Politics education mode of college students is gradually popularized. However, many colleges and universities sometimes ignore the downward trend of student management level. This situation will lead to the mode of Ideology and Politics education in varsity not be effectively applied. This paper will discuss the relationship between the student management and the idea of Ideology and Politics education, and finally come to a conclusion.


Ideological and Political; Education; College Students; Management

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/mmf.v4i2.2099
