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Training to Improve Risk Perception: Based on the Perspective of Reducing Fire Casualties and Losses

Yicheng Han, Jiaxin Shi, Yunji Qin


The present study examined in 103 individuals whether an advanced fire training aimed at recognizing, avoiding and handling risks in demanding fire situations, affected perceived risk of fire situations (measured by a questionnaire). The training, which involved both experience and feedback on real performance, specifically intended to emphasize the dangers in potential fire hazards and erroneous recognitions in life. With that emphasis, it was hypothesized that risk perception would increase after as compared to before the training. In addition, this study examined whether risk perception was dependent on gender or on age. A mixed ANOVA performed on mean scores on the questionnaire yielded significant effects on training (before/after) and gender. Before and after training, females had a higher rate of risk perception improvement than males in terms of fire hazards, while males had a higher rate of risk perception promotion than females in the condition of fire escape


Risk perception; Risk recognizing; Fire training

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China Fire Rescue Bureau official website,2019.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/mmf.v5i3.3595
