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Literature Review of Wilsonianism

Cong Wang


Woodrow Wilson served as president of the United States for two consecutive terms before and after the first World War. As for Wilson's international political thought, the academic circles of international relations generally believe that it is the reflection of the realistic interests and expansion objectives of the United States, but some scholars emphasize that Wilson's diplomacy can not be simply equated with the realistic policy of the United States. It is undoubtedly necessary to study the formation and personality characteristics of Wilson's international political thought for a correct understanding of Wilson's doctrine and diplomacy in this period. This paper combs and evaluates the views of scholars at home and abroad by reading the relevant research on Wilsonianism.


Wilsonianism; Idealism; Realism

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/mmf.v6i2.4035
