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To what extent is the family or the school responsible for primary education?

Yueran Li


Who should be responsible for the education of primary school pupils? The answer seems to be clear: the family and
school, as the main participants in the process of primary education, are reasonable to be responsible for pupils. However, this leaves us
with some worthy questions to be considered: who should be most responsible for a child’s education within a family? what diff erent types
of responsibility should be taken by family and school with regards to primary education? which actor is more responsible for primary
education? Based on those questions, this paper seeks to investigate the diff erent educational responsibilities of family and school, and will
answer the question of balance between these two actors in primary education.


family education, school education, responsibility, balance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i10.5863
