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Research on the path to enhance the innovation ability of university research teams in the new era

Min Zhang


The scientifi c research team of colleges and universities is the main force for colleges and universities to carry out scientifi c
and technological innovation. The strength of their innovation ability and innovation level determines the status of colleges and universities
in the fi eld of scientifi c and technological innovation in China, and also has an important impact on the development of national scientifi c
and technological innovation ability. At present, although the overall innovation ability of the scientific research team in colleges and
universities in China is gradually rising and has achieved excellent results, there are still some defects among them, which have become the
primary problem hindering the scientifi c and technological innovation in colleges and universities in China. If the innovation is not carried
out at the root of scientifi c and technological innovation, it may lead to the backwardness of the scientifi c and technological innovation
ability of colleges and universities and even the national level, resulting in adverse chain reactions at multiple levels. Therefore, this paper
deeply discusses the essence of team innovation ability, analyzes the main factors that aff ect the innovation ability of university research
teams, expounds the defi ciencies and causes of the innovation ability of university research teams in China, and puts forward solutions,
hoping to fundamentally promote the innovation ability of university research teams, help their sustainable development, and also hopes to
provide reference for professionals.


university research team; innovation ability; Promotion strategy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i10.5889
