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Understanding Chinese EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Test Fairness of TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Test

Yuchun Zhou


Test fairness has been discussed since 1960s. Since then, its defi nition and its extension have been heatedly elucidated.
Reviewed the current literature body, there has been little studies done pertaining to understand the perception of Chinese learners who learn
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) of the test fairness of TOEFL iBT independent writing part. In this article, three participants were
chosen by using purposeful sampling. Base on the results of semi-structured interviews, TOEFL iBT independent writing part is relatively
fair and unbiased culturally, but it should be not the only method to gauge learners’ writing competence. Some infl uential factors of TOEFL
iBT should be paid more attention to.


test fairness: the perceptions of Chinese EFL learners: TOEFL iBT independent writing test

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i10.5897
