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Visual analysis of research hotspots of preschool education in China ——Bibliometric analysis of 221 infl uential preschool education journals in China from 2020 to 2022

Aoyun Cui, ;Liming Xie, Shanshan Li, Wei Cheng


the research focus is the common research of a certain discipline or field in a certain period of time. Based on the systematic
literature review, this paper retrieved 221 articles from the first issue of 2020 to the third issue of 2022, using the professional journal of
preschool education research, the most influential CSSCI source journal in the field of preschool education in China, as the data retrieval
source. According to the frequency of hot words, this paper summarizes and analyzes the five research hotspots and their evolution trends of
current preschool education research, and prospects the development prospects of hot research.


preschool education research; Research hotspots; Frontier evolution

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Included Database


[ 1] Liang Zongbao, Wu Anlian, Zhang GuangzhenThe relationship between parents’ negative parenting styles and preschool children’s social adaptation

problems: the mediating role of parent-child confl ict [J]Preschool education research, 2022, (3): 43-52

[ 2] Wumengxi, Wei JunThe impact of changes in parents’ marital relationship quality before and after the birth of the second child on the fi rst child [J]

Preschool education research, 2022, (6)

[ 3] Mengxiangrui, Liu Wen, Che Hanbo, et al. The relationship between the type tendency of emotion regulation strategies and executive function of children

aged 3-5 [J]Pre school education research, 2020 (7): 14-23

[ 4] Li Shanze, Li MengqiThe Enlightenment of the research paradigm of educational life history on the research of preschool education history in China [J]

Pre school education research, 2020 (3): 5

[ 5] Zhangweimin, luoshanshanThe children’s educational value and curriculum development path of Shaoyang puppet show [J]Preschool education research,

2022 (3): 4

[ 6] Wu QiongAssessment and improvement strategies of kindergarten teachers’ security quality in China [J]Preschool education research, 2021 (1): 57-66

[7] Zhaozhenguo 1, liuwenbo 2Infl uence of family noise on emotion regulation strategies of left behind and migrant children aged 4-6 [J]Pre school education

research, 2020, (10): 30-42

[8] Tang Jiuqing 1,2, Yao Xiaonan 2, Kou Yu 2Understanding and application of four basic emotion related words by 5-6-year-old children [J]Preschool

education research, 2021, (2): 30-41

[9] Zhou Jing1, Zhang Yibin 2Children’s language development evaluation system based on Chinese children’s corpus [J]Pre school education research, 2020,

(6): 72-84

[10] Gexiaoying 1, yangdongmei 2, Wang Mo 3Rebuild kindergarten teacher training support system based on big data [J]Research on preschool education,

2021, (10): 68-71

[11] Wangpengcheng 1, Gongxin 2The impact of family cultural capital on preschool education opportunities * -- An Empirical Study Based on CFPS data [J]

Pre school education research, 2020, (12): 43-54

[12] Yang Xiong, Yang Xiaoping, Zhang QianThe connotative value and practical path of AR technology and kindergarten curriculum integration [J]Pre

school education research, 2020, (2): 89-92

[13] Chenglulu 1,2, fengdeyu 3, shangxiaoming 4Multimodal metonymic forms and types in children’s picture books [J]Pre school education research, 2020,

(10): 63-76

[14] Wanglijuan; ShenjianzhouAnalysis on the diffi culty and high cost of preschool children’s admission in the new era [J]Preschool education research, 2021,

(09): 79-82

[15] Nie ChenBreaking the imbalance and inadequacy: the development of British preschool education policy from the perspective of welfarism and Its

Enlightenment [J]Pre school education research, 2020, (3): 3-15

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i11.6610
