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Research on integrated innovation education based on the course “Application of Statistical Product and Service Solution”

Hao Guo


in the past, the teaching of professional courses and innovation education showed a trend of separation. The former focused
on the teaching of professional theoretical knowledge and methods and skills, while the later focused on the normal training of innovation.
This course reform will integrate professional course teaching and innovation education as a whole, based on the course “Application of
statistical product and service solution”, this project builds an integrated innovation framework for students, so as to integrate the core
characteristics and main methods of innovation into the whole process of professional course teaching. Professional curriculum knowledge
can provide theoretical culture and methodological support for innovation, and innovation can deep students’ understanding of professional
curriculum knowledge. It improves students’ ability of reading, summarizing, considering, designing, implementing and evaluating schemes


application of statistical product and service solution; Integrated innovation framework; Innovation education; Course reform

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i11.6622
