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Application of task driven teaching method in Tourism Marketing Teaching

Yi Cui


with the continuous development of Internet technology, the channels for consumers to accept information are constantly
enriched, which makes the information accessibility between buyers and sellers more and more high. In this context, tourism enterprises
began to use marketing means to plan and carry out marketing activities to improve the popularity and sales of tourism projects and
products, which prompted tourism enterprises to strengthen the demand for tourism marketing talents. As a place to deliver excellent tourism
marketing professionals to the society, higher vocational colleges should pay attention to strengthening the construction of tourism marketing
related courses, reasonably set talent training objectives and reform teaching methods in combination with the market demand information
for relevant talents. Task driven teaching method is a student-centered teaching method, which can eff ectively improve the teaching practice
and teaching eff ect. Based on this, this paper analyzes the application strategy of task driven teaching method in the teaching of tourism
marketing major, in order to provide reference for educators.


task driven teaching method; Tourism marketing; Teaching reform; Application Research

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i12.6898
