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To Promote University Students to “Understanding of China”by“Four Stages”,Comprehensively Cultivate Talents For The New Era

Manrong He


The world is in a situation of great change unprecedented in a century, and it is of great significance to cultivate new
talents of the era. Colleges and universities, as an important position for cultivating talents, are particularly necessary to explore the model
of cultivating new talents of the era. Based on the “Understanding of China”education plan of Yunnan University,this paper explores the
mechanism of education from the four stages of “Comprehension” ,”Consideration”, “Practice” and “Argumentation”. In order to establish a
new model of circular education through these four stages, it will provide a reference for the development of new talent cultivation paths in
the college era.


Ideological and political thinking in colleges and universities;new talents of the times;education model;Understanding of China

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i12.6932
