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The derivation of the lexcial meaning for“Shenshou” in the context of Internet

Zhenxuan Su


“Shenshou”, a popular word in the Internet language environment, has the typical characteristics of noun can serve as the
subject,object,attribute and headword. Under the Internet context, “shenshou” has expanded a new meaning category to refer to “primary
and secondary school students or children”, which has the semantic features of [+people] [±males] [-adults] and the characteristics of
innovation and popularity.The formation of “shenshou” is mainly infl uenced by social and personal discourse expression, and its use has not
been extended to all fi elds of society, so its productivity is not high.


Internet context;“Shenshou”; Word meaning derivation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v6i12.6949
