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Optimization of recovery strategy in emergency rescue phase of traffic network based on variable repair level

Lili Song, Yulong Du


major disasters often cause varying degrees of damage to traffi c sections and paralyze the traffi c network, which not only
brings hidden dangers to the safety of people’s lives and property, but also makes rescue more diffi cult. Therefore, restoring the connectivity
of the traffi c network is the primary task. Based on the variable repair level of the road section, this paper proposes an optimization model of
the recovery strategy in the emergency rescue phase, and uses “Monte Carlo simulation” to carry out 10 million cycles to obtain the optimal
dispatch strategy and recovery strategy. Through the actual case analysis, it is concluded that the model in this paper can be applied to largescale traffi c network restoration projects and give effi cient and reasonable rescue strategies.


recovery strategy; mixed integer nonlinear programming; Monte Carlo simulation; variable repair level; “S” curve

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i1.7388
