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Research on the path of E-commerce Teaching Reform in Colleges and Universities under the background of“Internet +

Ran Yan


with the deepening of education reform and the continuous optimization of E-commerce Teaching in Colleges and
universities, teachers should actively introduce new educational concepts and teaching methods to better arouse students’ interest in learning,
strengthen students’ understanding of what they have learned, improve the application level, and consolidate the teaching eff ect. As a popular
teaching aid, Internet technology plays an important role in enriching the teaching content of e-commerce in Colleges and universities and
broadening the teaching path. In view of this, this paper will analyze the optimization of E-commerce Teaching in Colleges and Universities
under the background of “Internet +” and put forward some strategies for your reference.


Internet +; Colleges and universities; E-commerce; Teaching reform

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i1.7390
