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Exploration and Research on Curriculum Reform Based on the ability training of mechanical innovative design post-- take the course of fundamentals of mechanical design as an example

Jing Wang, Zhaorui Sun


in order to meet the requirements of digital mode innovation in manufacturing industry, better serve regional industries, and
help enterprises’ digital transformation and upgrading. Based on the national professional teaching standards and enterprise job requirements,
according to the talent training program, the integration of “post competition certifi cate new research”, and the reconstruction of teaching
content based on the development of design ability; Taking the cultivation of innovative talents as the goal, based on the post design process,
the teaching is implemented with the combination of virtual reality and “four fusion and fi ve progression”.


innovation ability;Post course competition certifi cate accommodation;Value added evaluation;Curriculum ideological and Political Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i1.7430
