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Discussion on teaching methods of electrical engineering and Automation Specialty in the information age

Guodong Zhang


with the development of science and technology in China, information means are widely used in various fi elds of society, and
have played an important value and role. Nowadays, it has become an inaccessible part of people’s daily life and production. This has also
brought good enlightenment to higher education. In this context, how to use information technology in the teaching of electrical engineering
and Automation Specialty in Colleges and universities, reform professional teaching methods, improve the quality of professional teaching,
and build smart classroom has become one of the urgent problems for college teachers. In view of this, this paper analyzes the teaching
methods of electrical engineering and Automation Specialty under the background of information age, hoping to provide some valuable
references for teachers and friends.


information age; Electrical engineering and automation; teaching method

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i2.7495
