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A Study on the Application of “Reading-to-Writing” in Junior High School English Writing Teaching under the Perspective of Unit Integrity Teaching

Zixuan Liu, Di Liu


At the present stage, reading and writing are separated in English teaching in junior high school, and “reading” and “writing”
are fragmented and divided. The two skills of reading and writing are inseparable, so adopt the teaching method of “reading-to-writing” to
increase students’ input and lay the foundation for writing output. Based on the current situation of writing in junior high school, this paper
explores the relationship between reading and writing in junior high school English based on the theory of “reading-to-writing”, so as to
provide a theoretical basis for subsequent teacher teaching and student learning.


Unit Integrity Teaching ;Reading-to-Write ;English Writing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i3.7976
