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Exploration and practice of university physics experiment wisdom classroom

Qing Feng


at present, with the rapid development of the Internet, we have entered the information digital era. People have applied
information digital technology in various fi elds and achieved great results, including the fi eld of education. Therefore, for university physics
experiment, which is a highly practical course, in order to make students learn more scientifi cally and effi ciently, it is necessary for teachers
to organically combine physics experiment teaching with internet information technology, build a modern and effi cient university physics
experiment wisdom classroom, and complete the reform of teaching mode, so as to improve students' physics experiment ability, Cultivate
their good sense of innovation and scientifi c literacy, and promote the improvement of teaching effi ciency. Therefore, this paper discusses in
detail how to build a university physics experiment wisdom classroom according to Internet information technology, for the reference of the


University; Physics experiment wisdom classroom; Practice strategy; Internet

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i4.8002
