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Design and construction of online and offl ine mixed teaching mode of dance foundation course for preschool education major

Shan Liang


the teaching reform of professional courses is one of the academic hotspots of research at home and abroad. The curriculum
construction should establish new ideas and new ideas to promote the curriculum reform and innovation. The online and offl ine Hybrid
Teaching Reform of dance course proposed in this paper is based on modular content as the core, hybrid teaching as the means, and
diversifi ed evaluation mechanism. Relying on the OBE education concept, the course is based on high-quality educational resources and
information-based learning environment, and focuses on stimulating students' autonomous learning. It explores the reform path of dance
foundation course for preschool education majors, and ultimately promotes the achievement of teaching objectives and improves students'
practical skills and theoretical knowledge of dance courses.


dance foundation; Pre school education; Curriculum reform

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i4.8015
