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Research on the ideological and political construction of automobile e-commerce course from the perspective of new media

Qi Sheng, Siyuan Shen, Rong Lou


the ideological and political course of automotive e-commerce from the perspective of new media contains ideological and
political goals, and adds humanities and Social Sciences content and new media teaching, which is a teaching system with rich connotation.
In relevant teaching activities, we should highlight the educational value of automotive e-commerce course and the impact of new media
on the development of students’ professional ability, and promote the comprehensive development of students’ professional quality through
multiple ways. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the necessity of carrying out the ideological and political construction of automotive
e-commerce course from the perspective of new media, and then shares some practical strategies with the author’s practical experience, in
order to make suggestions for the cultivation of technical talents.


new media; Automotive e-commerce; Curriculum ideological and political construction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i4.8021
