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Global Distribution of Chinese Interactive Indie Movies: A Case Study of Zhongce Studio

Tianxiao Peng, Shuyu Lin


China's audio-visual creation industry has made considerable progress in the 21st century. With the application of new
technologies, this industry is constantly developing new forms of media, including interactive movie games. The development of interactive
movie games in China is currently increasing. However, indie games are still far from the best interactive movies internationally. This
research examined Zhongce Studio, an indie game company that focuses on the production and distribution of interactive movie games
in China. It fi nds that, despite the adverse infl uence of the game market environment, Zhongce Studio has been in line with international
standards and tried innovations in character construction and plot setting, but there are still many shortcomings.


interactive movie; communication; gamifi cation; video creation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i5.8560
