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Analysis of continuity and derivability in Higher Mathematics Based on the cultivation of multidimensional innovation ability

Xu Mei, Yingying Zhong


the relationship between continuity and derivability in higher mathematics has always been a difficulty in the learning
and teaching process of Higher Mathematics in Jiangsu Province. Because of the similarity of concepts, students have more confusion
in the process of understanding. The comparative analysis between concepts is one of the eff ective methods to deepen the understanding
of concepts. This paper analyzes the related concepts through an example of a topic, so as to help students deepen their understanding of
the relationship between continuity and derivability and master relevant knowledge. At the same time, it explores the teaching methods to
develop students’ Multi-dimensional innovation ability.


Advanced Mathematics of “transfer from undergraduate to undergraduate”; Continuous; Differentiable; Continuous diff erentiable; Multidimensional innovation capability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i5.8592
