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Analysis of the popularity of “cola mom needs to be gentle” on the basis of 5W theory

Wenqi Wang, Xiao Chen, Weijing Li, Yiqing Deng, Wanqing Zhang, Guansu Wang, Yijin Wang


in the era of new media, short video software has emerged, especially b uff eting, which has become the focus platform of
many creators. However, due to the fi erce competition, it is quite diffi cult for the accounts on the platform to become popular. The creators
need to form a unique style, break through the homogenization barrier, and convey the positive values recognized by the public and in line
with social development. Based on the 5W theory, this paper analyzes the reasons for the popularity of “cola mom should be gentle”, and
puts forward some suggestions for video creators.


dithering; “Cola mom should be gentle”; 5W theory; Account operation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i6.9277
