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Exploration on the path of general accommodation of secondary vocational education

Xiang Du, Junjian Zhang


On May 1, 2022, “Vocational Education Law of the People’s Republic of China” came into eff ect. This document makes
it clear that vocational education and general education are equally important. Education departments should encourage and support
cooperation between primary and secondary schools and vocational colleges, jointly carry out vocational enlightenment, vocational
experience or career planning education, promote general vocational integration, and further improve the quality of talent training.
Secondary vocational schools should actively cooperate with ordinary high schools, promote the sharing of high-quality resources, jointly
develop career planning, labor education and other courses, correct students’ employment outlook and outlook on life, let them actively
promote the mutual recognition of academic certifi cates and credits of ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools, build a new
model of vocational general integration, improve the quality of vocational education.


secondary vocational schools; Vocational general fi nancing; Necessity; Implementation path

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i7.9343
