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AI empowerment: Building a new ecology of intelligent reading content production

Yiyu Deng


Promoting the national reading work is an important way to build a booklike society. In the face of the growing demand for
reading, the new technology based on artifi cial intelligence empowers reading, accelerates the transformation of intelligent reading content
production, dissemination, consumption and other fi elds, and creates a new look of reading in the intelligent era. With the help of AI, the
supply of intelligent reading content will be refi ned and refi ned, and create immersive communication for users in the three-dimensional
and multi-dimensional intelligent reading scene. With the extension of intelligent reading form in the Internet of everything, the intelligent
reading service market is increasingly multi-sided, and the personalized wisdom experience of users will be more in-depth, further realizing
the construction of a new ecology of intelligent reading.


intelligent reading; Artifi cial intelligence; Content production; Technology enabling

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/modern-management-forum.v7i8.9884
