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An Empirical Study of S-commerce Adoption on WeChat Platform

Mei Ge, Zhongping Deng, Jing He


The purpose of this paper is empirically to examine two theoretical models in the context of social electronic commerce (s-commerce). The study tries to extend TAM and UTAUT model with trust to explain consumer behavior in the acceptance of s-commerce on WeChat platform which is the Chinese largest social platform. Through an online survey, 501 valid respondents were collected. A Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was used to conduct the proposed model and hypothesis testing with TAM and UTAUT models. The results revealed that trust is the most significant factor affecting behavioral intention and the second significant factor is effort expectancy, then social influence and performance expectancy. The integration of trust factor into the UTAUT model best interprets the adoption of s-commerce among the pure TAM and UTAUT models and extended models with trust. It will provide guidance for marketers and professionals, especially in China.


Trust; Consumer Acceptance; S-commerce; TAM; UTAUT

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/fm.v5i3.2102
