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The Impact of Influencers Characteristics on Tourism Destination Perceptions in Tourism Short Video

Xinyi Zhao


This research uses a quantitative research method to construct a theoretical framework for the infl uence of the characteristics of infl uencers in tourism short videos on tourists’ perception of tourism destinations. Using a situational questionnaire survey, the data were collected and analysed by SPSS, and the impact of the expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness dimensions of infl uencers in short tourism videos on the perception of travel destinations was investigated, and the fl ow experience was used as an intermediate variable to validate the impact of the characteristics of infl uencers in short tourism videos on the perceptions of tourism destinations.


Characteristics of infl uencers; Tourism short videos; Flow experience; Perceptions of tourism destination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i24.10014
