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A Comparative Study on the Characteristics and Differences of Museum Social Education Activities and Study Education Activities in the Perspective of Cultural Comparison

Yue Wang


The Museum social education activities and study tours have a long history, and have formed a relatively complete form of social education with its own characteristics. In the process of such a prosperous development of museum social education activities and study tour activities, people confuse the concepts of museum social education and study tour education. In order to clarify the respective concepts of museum social education and research education, to compare the current model of museum social education and research education, to analyse and collate the characteristics and inaccessibility of the two modes of social education, and to correctly understand the museum social education and research education through the comparative study of the differences between the two forms of social education and to further optimize the path of releasing the potential of the museum social education and research education.


Museum Social Education; Study; Museum; Comparative Study of Differences; "Double Reduction" Policy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v6i26.10185
