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Interpreting Zootopia from Dystopia

Rui Chen, Zhenzhen Shi, Xinlang Zhu


Based on the current era background, dystopia has attracted enormous interest. As a successful animation, Zootopia, is often used as a case study by scholars from all walks of life, but few have explored its connection to dystopia. The aim of present study is to investigate dystopian elements in the film Zootopia. Through the defi nition of dystopia, the clarifi cation of relationships between utopia and dystopia, the article analyzes some specific details in Zootopia combined with the current social situation. This may give people a deeper understanding of the practical significance of dystopia.


Dystopia; Zootopia; Utopia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i28.10545
