The Cultivation of Advanced Network Culture and the Coping of College Students’ Network Living Style
With the gradual extension of the tentacles of the Internet to all areas of social life and the trend of more and more indepth direction, more and more college students in their life and learning also increasingly show the characteristics of the network survival style. Based on the perspective of postmodernity, this paper reconsiders the network survival mode of contemporary college students, showing the characteristics of anti-authority, anti-center and anti-tradition in the aspects of daily behavior, language communication and entertainment activities. On the one hand, these characteristics refl ect the objective requirements of cultural diversity, and on the other hand, they also have a certain impact and infl uence on our construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. It is still a long way to go to cultivate an advanced network culture guided by socialist core values.
Network mode of existence; Post-modernity; Network culture
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