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How to Improve the Work Engagement of Student Affairs Educator—— Analysis Based on Management Theory

Xunheng Long


SAE are an important part of college teachers and education management team. Due to there are not enough formal jobs of SAE, many colleges and universities employ non-institutional SAE, the working enthusiasm of non-institution SAE groups is generally low. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of combining openness and justice, combining material incentive with spiritual incentive, and combining incentive with punishment, so as to motivate people with treatment, motivate people with emotion, motivate people with achievement, motivate people with rewards and punishments, and improve the overall work effi ciency of counselors.


Non-institution establishment; A counselor; Motivate; Equity theory

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i32.11825
