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Research on the Application of Representation Training in College Basketball Teaching and Training

Bo Yuan


As one of the most widely used mental training methods in current sports practice, this paper will study the application of imagery training in college basketball teaching. Based on sports psychology and college basketball teaching and training, the control group was the traditional training mode, and the experimental group was the representation training mode. The results show that the application of imagery training in college basketball teaching and training is benefi cial to guide students to improve their attention and training initiative, especially in passing and shooting. It is proved that image training is more effective in college basketball teaching and training. It can be popularized in college basketball teaching and training to improve teaching effect and speed up students’ mastering of basketball action.


Image training; Colleges and universities; Basketball teaching; Basketball training

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i33.11955
