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From Natural Gases to Climate Change: Data Analysis of Multiple Eco Dynamic Sources Showing the Urgency of Cooperation Globally

Leo Zhang


The growing demand for natural gases across the world has contributed to increasing pollution and greenhouse gases. The main explanation for this phenomenon is that natural gas extraction causes air pollution which then spreads out to many sectors such as disturbing biodiversity and causing illnesses. I use the data from multiple Eco dynamic sources to (a) decompose the increase in demand for natural gas (b) the impacts that extraction of natural gas has caused across the world and (c) contrast the measures that nations are resorting to attempt to eradicate air pollution from extractions while also maintaining the public demand for natural gas. The findings indicate devastating results as pollution affects even the most affl uent countries and eradicates even third-world nations. However, it demonstrates nations’ resolve to resolve the issue as the public demands even more.


Natural gases; Climate change; Data analysis; Multiple Eco Dynamic Sources; Global cooperation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i35.12509
