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Healthcare and Retirement Benefits for African Elders

Kaiwen Zhao


Amidst the wide landscape of Africa, where only a small percent of the elderly gets those benefits that are covered by social security, this research investigates those nuanced challenges and progressive reforms. Examining nations such as Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria for instance, the paper highlights persistence to extend coverage to self-employed individuals, health ramifi cations, inadequate physical activity, and financial obstacles to healthcare. Underscored the issues faced by elderly populations. With international frameworks that advocate health care for seniors, this research also navigates through the web in searching for long-term care systems. In this specific research, various nations emerge, addressing elder support and tailoring community-specific eff orts. This comprehensive research summarizes retirement benefits, and health care barriers, and develops new hope for those African countries’ older populations.


Retirement Benefit; Social security; Côte d›Ivoire; Nigeria; Health ramifi cations; International frameworks; Disability benefits; Self-employed individuals; Long-term care; Financial struggles; Reforms; Micro Pension Plan; Coverage; ISSA; African Union Policy; Framework; Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging; Income insecurity; Cultural diversity; Qualitative studies; The Journal of the Economics of Aging

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i35.12511
