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Appreciation of the Lens Language in Frost's Poem Home Burial

Zhehui Zhu


"Home Burial" is a significant poem within Robert Frost's collection North of Boston. It is a poem describing a woman’s loneliness and the complicated confl icts between men and women in their marriage and family life. The poem is reads like a movie, the lens language is used which portrays the inner struggle and anguish of a couple vividly amidst societal transformations.


Robert Frost, Home Burial; Lens Language; Family Relationship

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[1] Frost, Robert. Robert Frost Collected Poems, Prose & Plays. New York: The Library of America,1995.

[2] Carroll Rebecca A Reader-Response Reading of Robert Frost’s Home Burial. The Robert Frost Review. [J] Volume 10, Issue 2, 2009. PP 143-156.

[3] Richardson Mark & Richard Porier Frosts:Collected Poems,Proses and plays [C].New York:The Library of America,1995.

[4] Wang Weihai: Weber: Getting rid of the Dilemma of Modern Society. Shenyang: Liaohai Press, 1999.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v7i35.12565
