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Research on the Counselors’ Heart to Heart Talks in Depressed College Students in the Light of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Xinyue Zhong


With the rapid development of higher education in China, the group of college students has been expanding year by year, and the proportion of depression patients has also increased. This article focuses on exploring how to use cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) to better provide feasible strategies for college counselors to cope with depression during heart to heart conversations with college students. By establishing trust relationships, evaluating student status, developing intervention plans, and understanding cognitive patterns, CBT technologies such as psychological education technology, cognitive reconstruction technology, and behavioral intervention are used to improve students’ mental health status and increase their level of hope, improve their ability to adapt to life and self-confidence, reduce the risk of suicide, and safeguard the growth and success of college students.


Counselor; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Heart to heart talks; Depressed college students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i1.12813
