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Huang Yongping’s Artistic Journey: The Harmonious Path of Cultural Fusion and Social Reflection

Zechen Yang


Huang Yongping is a French-Chinese artist who lived in France for thirty years and died of illness in 2019. His artistic creations span borders and cultures. His artistic works profoundly reflect on human beings’ acceptance of cruelty and injustice. Through the comparison of competition between animals and human social behavior, they guide the audience to think deeply about moral and ethical choices. Huang Yongping’s artistic works transcend aesthetic expression and become unique insights into the relationship between contemporary society, culture and human nature. By combining ancient cultural heritage with modern concepts, he calls on people to transcend traditional binary oppositions and embrace a more open and diverse way of thinking.


Huang Yongping;Installation art;Cultural integration;Social reflection; World Citizen

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[1] Doryun Chong,Wolfgang Hahn Prize,gesellschaft-museum-ludwig.de/en/initiativen-und-preise/wolfgang-hahn-preis.

[2] Lu Peng, History of Contemporary Chinese Art, China Academy of Art Press.

[3] Ludwig Wittgenstein, von Wright, Heikki Niemann, Xu Zhiqiang, Wittgenstein Notes, Fudan University Press

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i1.12836
