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Classroom Teaching Design of an English Linguistics Lesson: Perspectives from the Multiliteracies Pedagogy

Yanfei Li


This paper introduces a classroom teaching design based on the multiliteracies pedagogy. Using the example of an English linguistics lesson, it provides a detailed discussion of the steps of the multiliteracies method, and discusses the implication for the teaching of linguistics based on the process and effect of the multiliteracies teaching. The present research shows that the multiliteracies pedagogy provides an effective way to solve the long existing problems in the linguistics course. The Multiliteracies pedagogy not only enhances students’ interest and class participation, but also cultivates students’ ability in applying linguistics knowledge to solving practical language-related problems and conducting academic research in linguistics.


Multiliteracies pedagogy; Classroom teaching design; English linguistics course; Action research

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i2.12986
