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Analysis of the Application Path of Red Art in the Teaching of Chinese Figure Painting in Universities

Qingguo Liu


As an important part of China’s red culture, red art plays a pivotal role in the cultivation of national self-confidence, concept cultivation and core literacy, especially in today’s diversified development of information, through the infi ltration of red art can promote the development of The Times and meet the needs of students’ national culture, which is also in line with the development orientation of college art teaching in the new era. For students majoring in Chinese fi gure painting in colleges and universities, in addition to basic professional abilities, whether they can possess the concept of cultural self-confidence will be the driving force for the development of artistic innovation. Therefore, fully introducing red art works into Chinese culture teaching in colleges and universities can enable students to deeply learn the laws of artistic creation while understanding the history of revolutionary development and cultural connotation. Based on this, this paper analyzes the application path of red art in Chinese culture teaching in colleges and universities, aiming to bring some references for relevant personnel.


Higher education; Teaching of Chinese fi gure painting; Red art

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/ahe.v8i2.13040
